
Reinforcing Steel And Conduit Undamaged Through The Use of Ground Penetrating Radar In Sioux City, Iowa

Ground Penetrating Radar Systems of Omaha was called to analyze elevated slabs of concrete on each floor at the Boys and Girls Club in Sioux City, IA. The technician was able to locate reinforcement and conduits in the slab in order to find locations that could be cored without causing significant structural integrity loss or hitting a power line.

GPRS uses the GPR 1600 MHz antenna and RD8000 to analyze and locate anomalies in concrete. GPR can also be used to locate post tension cables and conduits to maximize safety and minimize cost when coring or cutting concrete. GPR is also a safe alternative to X-ray and does not cause disruption or safety hazard to other workers or tenants. For more information about GPRS’s capabilities and availability please contact Project Manager Dane Short at 402-506-0815 or dane.short@gprsinc.com.